Brix †

...In our hearts...

Name:                   Cyrcon Sagitarius

Breed:                   Labrador retriever

Gender:                 male

Colour:                  back

Born:                    13.6.2005

Died:                     23.4.2020

Hi, I was the very first in this pack, they called me Brix. I was born in 2005 and was a happy black labrador retriever puppy ready to get to know the world. When I grew up, the breeder sold me to people who didn't take very good care of me. I guess they didn't even like me very much, because they returned me to the kennel in less than a year as an emaciated, hungry and timorous dog who didn't trust anyone. No one gave me much hope for a fulfilling life because I was afraid of people, ran away from them and didn't eat much. 

When I was one year old, I was chosen by my new masters - the Cerveny family. I was afraid at first, but soon I liked it there. I finally had a master who played with me and threw balls to me, which was my absolute favorite! Over time, I began to trust more and I fell completely in love with my new masters from Nezdrev. I know for sure that they are into me too! And thus began my new, better life. 

At that time, I started training and to my and my master's surprise, I started doing all the exercises - it was a pice of cake for me. I got my first hunting tests in 2007 and since then I started winning a lot if competitions. In 2009, I even received the title of CZECH LABOR CHAMPION from the Czech-Moravian Cynological Union. This means that I was among the 6 best dogs in the Czech Republic, isn´t it great? I also liked to go hunting with the masters and carry ducks. I always looked forward to that. 

As my master says, I've always been a heartthrob.